Personal Injury Lawyer
There are many things that can go through your mind after a personal injury accident that has left you with devastating injuries, and it can make it hard to complete a claim properly. You may be worried about how long your recovery will be or the financial losses that you have suffered as a direct result of the accident. Filing a claim can help you recover your damages, but be wary of common mistakes to avoid. Mistakes that many personal injury accident victims make when they file a claim are described below.
Preserve Only Some Evidence
You will need many different kinds of evidence if you want to file a personal injury claim. Photos, videos, medical records, witness statements, and police reports all help to strengthen your claim, so do not leave anything out. The lawyer will be the one to evaluate your pile of evidence so don’t worry about having to review them yourself. You must collect all of your evidence because it is better to have too much evidence to evaluate than not have enough to include in your claim.
Procrastinate Getting Medical Treatment
Another common mistake that can negatively impact your case is delaying medical attention. After a personal injury accident, you can be experiencing shock, which can mask your pain and the severity of your injuries. This can make it hard to determine the full extent of your injuries yourself, so you should always get medical attention immediately. If paramedics arrive at the scene and want to treat you, do not refuse. If you don’t get treatment right away, the insurance company may say that you did not really suffer any injuries or argue that your injuries were not accident related.
Make False Statements
Lying or making misleading statements is illegal when you are filing an accident claim. You may be tempted to adjust your statement to try and receive a higher compensation amount, but do not do this. If you are found to have lied about any part of your statement, even if it is a minor lie, your claim may end up getting rejected. Be as detailed as you can be when describing your account of the accident to investigators or to a lawyer without embellishing certain parts.
Admit Fault Or Accept Blame
You should not agree with someone else if they are attempting to blame the accident on you or say that you contributed to it. Apologizing for your role in an accident is also another big mistake because it can result in a much lower total compensation amount, as a trusted personal injury lawyer like one from Hall Justice Law Firm LLC can explain to you. Never admit fault or apologize in any way if you are ever confronted about causing the accident.
Wait Until The Last Minute To See A Lawyer
The time to talk to a lawyer regarding a personal injury claim is as early as you can. Talk to a lawyer as soon as possible by requesting a consultation now.